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The Lincoln Lawyer - Season 2

Holiday Landa, PMG

Production Company:
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Project Abstract:
One Hour Contemporary Television Series
Netflix / A&E Studios
Holiday Landa, PMG - Property Master
Makenna Cullen-Asst Propmaster / buyer
Dana McCall -Asst Propmaster (on set)
Sabine Asanger (on set)
Ralphie Ramirez (truck)
Darnell Twinn (intern /manifest program w/ local 44)
Target Props- Efx dept -Kevin O'brien
Ruben's Display World- Ruben

1). "Manny" custom mannequin -I had four days (first up on shooting schedule) to design/build for Director needs (Articulating mannequin for courtroom:head to pull back with chin up holding position,able to bend at knees, custom height to match actor with custom crate & rolling stand)
2). "Manny" custom crate- had only four days to create, design,fabricate to custom fit with custom mannequin
3). Lincoln Navigator dashboard display unit -Transpo dept asked me to handle as the director requested to cover existing dashboard monitor with fully functioning iPad for playback with custom bracket to fit iPad hiding existing monitor in so playback could have full control of Vehicles clock, Gps maps, Radio playback . I designed this prop to fit seamlessly matching existing design of interior and without any "bulk" it looks flawless :) *This prop is now a big part of the Lincoln Lawyer series as a working prop in all future seasons moving forward as shooting the hero Int. Navigator
4). "Elysian" Restaurant scripted -I worked with food Stylist April Falzone to create a build a menu/ this was our hero story point in season 2. I also worked with our production designer and set decorator so the our menu would look great with the set &the food would display well with the dishware
5). Hammer/ tool kit- murder weapon , I recreated an N/d tool kit as our hammer was a murder weapon . I also fabricated a rubber hammer to match perfectly
6). Computer table Int. Navigator- Hpr custom built , this prop wasn't used, but I did manufactured to exact needs for director: articulating computer tray for backseat of navigator
7). Custom "stuffed Bear"- Director requested a stuff bear an Agent was to use a knife to cut the belly of bear with a voice box to fall out with stuffing
8)."Gun Crate" -custom crate to hold AR-15 /AK weapons for Agent to crowbar open to find stuff bears. I fabricated crates. Production Designer loved them and had our Set Dressing Dept matched my custom crates to dress into set we made over 20 crates

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One Hour Contemporary Television Series

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